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Verified Reviewers

“Eye-opening game changer!”

The book offers direction on how you can retrain your mindset, break out of the status quo, and expand your potential. I found the advice and practical strategies you can use to help improve and gain influence in your leadership role to be very effective and relatable. There are so many areas of advice such as public speaking and employee engagement. It will be a welcome reference book.

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

— MN Kindle Customer (US)

 Revenue Management is so Undervalued

Fantastic book to help you realise what you are doing well, but more importantly what you can be doing better to really maximise your revenue. I love the analogy in the introduction which has made me think about my business differently. Thoroughly recommended for any business owner or anyone in marketing. 👏👏

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

— Helen Lipapis (Aust)

“Superb workbook that anyone should complete”

It’s like having your very own coaching session where you are challenged to refine and develop your personal brand. Essential for anyone serious about their career or business.

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

— CK (US)

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